Saturday 7 March 2015

Drawing Post #3

Hello there!

Again with another drawing post! I do love drawing, I go through stages of where I can draw well and then there are times I really suck at it.

This one is another Gundam one!

I do love Gundam anime, my favourites would have to be Wing and Seed/Destiny.

Lets start off with some WIPs!

I decided to draw Lacus and Athrun from Gundam Seed. I love this pairing even though it doesn't happen in the anime. I love both of the characters personalities too

I was very happy when it got to this stage. I didn't want to do any more with it, but I was encouraged to keep going.

I finally got around to drawing the hands. Oh my word I hate them so much, I tried and tried but it just didn't look right. I settled for what we have in the final image.

I do love how it turned out, shame about the hands though! I will eventually get around to digitally colouring this, but I need better software!

I shall be posting a few more drawing posts in the near future, I have a lot of art from the recent years to get on here! Then I will try and keep up with more recent work, and also other activities!

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